
Saturday, February 7, 2015

Joshua Chaires will no longer be involved with Summerwind Restoration Society

For reasons unknown to the core members, Joshua Chaires has made a public announcement stating he will no longer be involved with the Summerwind Restoration Society (SRS).

The reason he gave in his announcement was a difference of opinions; stating his goal was to rebuild all of the pre-existing buildings. SRS has set our goal as rebuilding the main home as the initial build due to funding restrictions. SRS was unaware of any issues or problems in regards to the core people involved in the project,

Summerwind Restoration Society regrets that Joshua feels that the core members are not progressing as he feels we should. We also regret that he did not communicate his desires in a more appropriate manner that could have resulted in agreement instead of the resulted discourse.

SRS would like to thank Joshua for the work he had done for the project. We wish him well as he travels his chosen path.

                                                                                ~Nyoka the Jungle Girl

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